It's confirmation bias, and every sensational or negative news event gives them fuel for the fire.
That confirmation bias is difficult to shake off. I find that even though I've been out of JWism for almost 12 years, that news stories concerning climate change or whatever else instantly put me back right back into that JW mindset.
Thing is, what if we really are wrecking the biosphere? What if antibiotic-resistant bacteria really is a horrible human disaster in the making? What if the US, and world, economies are on the verge of a complete implosion?
I'm absolutely terrified of what the future holds. Beyond terrified. Like, I want out of this life, big time. I think that the JW line that "humanity will self-destruct without divine intervention" is so absolutely true. The only difference between me and them is that I don't have a hope for divine intervention, so all I see is collapse, death, destruction, devastation for the future.
I wish I knew how to break out of this. I'm really starting to seriously consider doing something to myself that would make it so that the future isn't something that I'll have to witness.